Mindaugas Grajauskas

Partner and Consultant

  • Expertise: personal productivity, implementation of project management practices, strengthening teamwork and increasing the efficiency of teamwork
  • 10+ years of experience in consulting of organisations and training
  • 1800+ academic hours of training in the last 3 years
  • 5+ years of experience in leading non-governmental and business organisations
  • Co-author of the book “Dėmesio, grupė! Praktiniai darbo su grupe būdai ir technikos” (“Attention, Group! Practical ways and techniques of working with a group”) (2014)
  • Author of the book “Ko niekada neišgirsite iš bankininko: praktiniai patarimai poros finansų planavimui ir organizavimui” (“What you will never hear from a banker: Practical tips for planning and organising a couple’s finances”) (2018)
  • Creator of the simulation “Startum erdvėlaivis” (www.erdvelaivis.lt)
  • Master’s degree in philosophy (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania)

Mindaugas is a practical man: he always first discovers, experiences himself, and only then shares it with others. He is constantly looking for new ideas, methods and tools that he could practically apply in his activities. Mindaugas’ personal productivity experiments, tested techniques and methods often take the form of seminars and articles. And discovered ways of dealing with challenges in his personal productivity, team and business challenges are becoming a material to be shared as Mindaugas adapts the practices to other organisations and managers.

In his free time, Mindaugas reads books and collects them – he dreams of a thousand-book personal library at home. He also plays guitar from an early age, often jogs and plays chess. Interest in philosophy is an integral part of his life.

Let's get in touch

Change without action is impossible.

Other team members

Diana Palivonienė
Ieva Kulikauskienė
Vaida Bliūmaitė-Petrauskienė
Jolita Černauskienė