Paulius Avižinis

CEO, Consultant

  • Expertise: adaptive leadership, management psychology, organisation of activities of an organisation and team
  • 21+ years of experience in consulting of organisations and training
  • 2800+ academic hours of training in the last 3 years
  • Certificate in adaptive leadership (Harvard Kennedy School)
  • Certified Management Consultant (CMC)
  • Certified DiSC® and Balanced Scorecard Consultant (Kaplan-Norton BSC Certification, Palladium Group)
  • Participant in the Organisational Development Programme (NTL Institute)
  • Action Learning (WIAL) courses completed
  • Regular seminars at the Institute of Humanistic and Existential Psychology
  • Fundamentals of mindfulness-based cognitive behavioural therapy
  • Master’s degree in business administration (EMBA) (Stockholm School of Economics, Latvia)
  • Master’s degree in organisational psychology (Vilnius University)

Paulius’ main areas of activity: conducting trainings in continuing management development programmes, facilitating management clubs, moderating a leadership society, and individual consulting.

Paulius is wholeheartedly focused on the topics of adaptive leadership and management psychology. During his training, the inner transformation of the leader occurs: the attitude towards leading the organisation, the leader himself or herself, and the people around him or her changes. In teaching management psychology, Paulius pays special attention to emotional intelligence, the leader’s relationship with himself or herself and the environment, and the subtleties of leading a team with different personalities.

Let's get in touch

Change without action is impossible.

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Viltė Gudeliauskienė
Jolita Černauskienė
Algė Jablonskienė
Mantas Žalkauskas