It is not news today that people development is one of the key daily tasks that managers have to perform. Development is often understood as teaching of people and teams, but it is not actually true.
Development includes the managers’ ability to create safe relationships with the team and the use of methods to stimulate thinking and involvement. Managers need skills such as listening, asking questions, conversation management, understanding teamwork, and exertion of positive influence. This is dictated not only by the natural evolution of organisations but also by the needs of the new generation that is joining the labour market.
People and team development is an important managerial and cultural change for an organisation. Practical experience shows that encouragement of people’s acting based on development methods results in improved interpersonal relationships and more successful collaboration of individual divisions.
Team members learn to be more open to each other, provide feedback to each other, ask for and provide help, and encourage greater involvement in daily activities.
Improved ability to reflect, improved critical thinking skills, enhanced quality of communication with colleagues, and increased resilience and positivity in stressful situations.