Our presentation listeners are able to concentrate for 8 seconds. If our speech is a remote one, we compete for listeners’ attention with even more distracting things than when we are at in-person meetings: e.g. your listeners may be distracted by incoming e-mails, social media, messages popping up, housekeeping tasks, etc.
By the way, what do you think your listeners do if what you are saying and what you are showing on a slide coincide? Some of your listeners are bored and start doing something else, while others are looking for mistakes on your slides.
Moreover, your audience consists of different people. Some of them tend to process information while relying on sound, others rely on images or practical actions.
During this training, participants will acquire knowledge and skills to keep their listeners’ attention from the beginning to the end of their presentation and prepare presentation content and form that help achieve the goals of the presentation, regardless of whether it is a live or remote presentation.
Professional, persuasive and involving presentations guarantee easier achievement of the organisation’s goals, the ability to make more appropriate decisions, improvement of performance and communication within the organisation and beyond, and creation of a better image of the organisation.
Professional, persuasive and involving presentations guarantee easier achievement of the organisation’s goals, the ability to make more appropriate decisions, and improvement of performance and communication within the organisation and beyond.
This practical training will help participants: