14 October 2025
6 academic hours
EUR 374 + VAT
The training will be held online.
Contact the Sales Manager by phone
Emilija Miliūtė – Piekienė: +370 618 26754
Activity management conversations constitute an integral part of managers’ work. Every manager needs to discuss the team’s performance and performance quality, provide feedback, deal with complex situations, or communicate in other ways to ensure that the team is sustainable and goal-oriented.
Conversations between managers and employees are the only way to enable them to experience each other and create mutual relationships. These conversations determine not only performance, but sometimes even people’s decisions to stay or leave the company. Many managers find these conversations far from comfortable because it is not always possible to foresee their progress or reach an express agreement.
This programme is designed for managers of all levels who have to conduct activity management conversations, regardless of specific topics or the scope of the conversations.
The training is interactive, meaning that participant involvement is encouraged by a variety of practical assignments, discussions, and experience sharing. The programme provides the required theoretical material, and also involves examination of case studies using effective conversation management strategies and techniques. There is no simulation of practical assignments, but rather real conversations with real, genuine content. This programme is not simply practical advice. It’s also an excellent chance to meet like-minded people from different organisations.