Trust-based organisations and teams

This workshop could be used both – for project or functional teams.

What is hidden behind this buzzword and how to create trust-based organizations and teams?

Hierarchy becomes thing of the past and trust based teams become more dominant in Agile and non-agile working environments. But what trust truly is and how to get more of it in your team, organization and business partnerships? This is interactive 1-day workshop that could be done both: on-line and on-site. This workshop could be used both – for project or functional teams.


Key topics:


  • Deep dive in what trust consists of
  • Techniques for creating trust in teams: on-line and face to face
  • Using personality profiles to strengthen trust (Integrated Clifton Strengths Finder assessment)
  • Psychological safety, vulnerability and empathy to empower trust in teams
  • Feedback and talking behind each other’s back: how to approach it to have more trust
  • Trust Leaps


Value of participation


After this workshop trust strengthens in the team. This translates into higher productivity and engagement afterwards.  Each team member comes out of with clear knowledge, power and responsibility to improve trust within the team.

As we use Clifton Strengths profiles, everyone will receive their personal and team strengths insights with recommendations for specific partnerships given your profiles. Finally, team members meet each other on a personal level, where everyone starts seeing each other a little bit more humanly than before.

Let's talk

Become an organisation that has the future.