Ieva Kananavičiūtė

Coordinator of survey projects

Areas of responsibility: management of internal and external research projects, initial data analytics, technical management of research platforms, monitoring of methodological and statistical information.

Project management and musicology are very important in Ieva’s professional life, and they complement each other. The ability to feel the tempo, rhythm, and tone of a project enable her to create memorable collaboration experiences with colleagues and customers, while the search for mathematical logic in music enriches her communication outside of the professional setting.

Ieva is very keen on music. Singing, playing the piano and guitar, and a deep interest in the philosophical, historical, and scientific aspects of music are Ieva’s life companions. Her desire to discover and describe Lithuanian music trends are documented in Lithuania’s major news portals and culture articles.

Let's get in touch

Change without action is impossible.

Other team members

Viktorija Nastulevičiūtė
Silvija Cicėnienė
Tomas Misiukonis
Laima Šlapkauskaitė-Gaušienė