Paulius Rakštikas

Associate counsellor, psychologist, diligence teacher

  • Expertise: mindfulness, covering a variety of training formats, ranging from individual sessions to specialised follow-up groups and long-term programmes; in addition, the application of an experiential method by leading groups in the format of hikes for personal and team growth
  • 5+ years of experience in leading emotional health improvement follow-up groups, training internal coaches in organisations
  • 15+ years of experience in training
  • 10+ years of experience in creative activity projects (photography)
  • Creator and developer of Pauzė, the largest meditation app in Lithuania
  • Author of the book “Staigmena gyventi” dedicated to awareness (Alma Littera, 2019)
  • Certified teacher of attentive awareness (Lithuanian Association of Mindfulness-based Psychology)
  • Certificate of personal career management by experiential method (Public Institution Kitokie Projektai)
  • Member of the Lithuanian Association of Mindfulness-based Psychology
  • Postgraduate studies: basics of mindfulness-based cognitive and behavioural therapy (Lithuanian University of Health Sciences)
  • Master of Business Psychology (Mykolas Romeris University)

Paulius says that he is rediscovering again and again the meaningful truth about life, that the hardest thing is to find balance in it. “To love and work, to strive ambitiously and to withdraw wisely. Not only does a stick have two ends, but it also has a point where we keep it in perfect balance. Where is this point and how to keep it? After all, when we approach one end, the stick, as life does, swings. I see the desire for this balance in the wishes of my customers, and I also feel inside myself. Mindfulness allows me to notice the moment when balance is slipping out of hand. You cannot restore it by seizing quickly because the balance, like life, reveals to the most patient,” says Paulius.

For those seeking inner balance, Paulius has written the book “Staigmena gyventi” (“The Surprise of Living”). According to him, mindfulness can provide skills that are useful for everyday life: to feel calm even during hard work and not to feel a stranger to oneself when there is a silent break.

Let's get in touch

Change without action is impossible.

Other team members

Andrius Vaitiekūnas
Ieva Kulikauskienė
Emilija Miliūtė-Piekienė
Jūratė Žalienė